Phlox is a versatile little annual that likes a position in full sun. It only reaches 12 inches in height, so it works well in the front of the border or bed and it also does very well in containers and baskets. Phlox makes nice cut flowers as well.
This red phlox grows as a 12 inch annual across the country in USDA zones 3 - 10.
This variety, Phlox drummondii nana compacta ‘Beauty Scarlet’, has brilliant rosy-red bloom clusters. Phlox is a compact, low-growing plant that has clusters of 5-petaled, brilliant colored blooms. Mix them with other flowers to create a charming cottage look.
They are known to reseed themselves easily.
Sow 3 to 4 seeds per plant or 4 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Start the seed outdoors in spring after frost danger has passed, or for earlier blooms, start the seed indoors 4 – 6 weeks before setting out. Cover the seed lightly and keep it moist. With temperatures between 60 – 70F, germination is usually within 30 days. Space the plants 9 - 12 inches apart.